
Guardian Woman Feature


A lot of women have no idea that it’s possible to work from home, on their phones, laptops and make money.   Yeah!   What a way to start a new month!   I’m deeply honoured to be featured on the Guardian Woman where I talked about the necessity for women to make success a […]

Awesome Money Lessons Everyone Should Know


  It really felt good to be back again for yet another feature on Rave TV, the last time I was there was October 2016.   I was honoured to share my thoughts on tips needed when pursuing a big dream for your life on my Thots program on Rave TV for 2 weeks consecutively. […]

Top 3 Business Growth Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs

A few days ago, I was live on Today On STV, hosted by the delectable Shade, where I talked on one of my favourite topics as a business coach – Starting A Business In Nigeria.    I shared 3 core business growth tips for budding entrepreneurs, to help grow their businesses.   And as you […]

How To Start A Successful Side Hustle


What is a Side Hustle? A side hustle can be defined as a way to make some extra cash that allows you the flexibility to pursue what you’re most interested in.  A side hustle is any type of employment undertaken in addition to one’s full-time job. It provides an additional income. It can also be […]

Effective Business Success Tips For Young Entrepreneurs

My Feature as a Judge On The Young CEO Reality TV Show    The Young CEO Reality TV Show is an event which is targeted at discovering and empowering young aspiring entrepreneurs to become successful CEOs who will, in turn, be employees of labour and I was privileged to be one of the judges of […]

Punch Newspaper Feature – Biggest Errors Women Make in Business


Women Allow Fear to Hold Them Back in Business.   It was an awesome privilege getting featured in Punch, Nigeria’s most widely read newspaper. In this feature, I talked about the biggest errors women make when it comes to pursuing their dreams and starting a business. I also shared some of the greatest lessons I […]

How to be a Millionaire Housewife – Your View on TVC


Producing Millionaire Housewives   I was featured on TVC on the 26th of June 2019 to speak about how I began my online business and how many women too can make money online from home the same way I did.   I shared my story on how I started, the challenges I faced and how […]

Women Need To Place A Premium On Self-Development


Women Need To Place A Premium On Self-Development Rather Than Vanity Buyings.   Guess who made it to The Guardian Newspaper today?    Yes, yours sincerely made it as I shared my story of how I started a small telecommunications business with N10,000 from the comfort of my home on my mobile phone while I […]

How Can Women Make Money From Home?

How Women Can Make Money From Home even from ‘the other room’   This little light of mine…   When I began doing videos on Facebook about 4 months ago, I really wasn’t sure what I was about.   All I knew was that I had a voice and whether I had a poor camera […]