In continuation of my blog series on how to build a multi-million personal brand, in this post I will show you  ways to build your personal brand, and by the end of this post, you’ll have ideas flowing in your mind on how to get started. Here we go:


To build a personal brand around your talent, you need to ask yourself:


What are the things you have learnt over time? What skills did you gain from school, courses, or other personal development material?


Passion covers any subject matter that resonates with you. It could be subjects that you read about often, topics you read the most books about. This is often a pointer to something can you do so well with much vigor and consistency even when things don’t work out the way you planned.


What have you been able to achieve for yourself? Maybe you were able to homeschool your kids or you were able to lose weight without hiring a trainer. Think about something you have been able to achieve for yourself, something you have done successfully. These are your results.


Many people underestimate what they have been through. What have you overcome in your life? For example, I have a client who has grown her personal brand simply by telling her story of how she went through childlessness for a long year and now she is helping other people in that same position. She is into fertility coaching and now she takes others through the same process she went through. She built a personal brand around her experience. You can do the same thing.


What have you learned and become so good at to the point of being able to practise it comfortably? Are you a lawyer, a doctor, or an accountant?In what areas have you trained yourself and put in enough practice to become an expert? You can simply replicate the results that you have gotten before with other people.

There you have it!

Sit with these 6 points, ask yourself deep questions about your journey and how you can use it to help others. You will definitely come up with something that you will like to build a personal brand around. If you’ve made a decision on what path to take, can you share with me in the comments below?

Your journey has already began!

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