A 49 Page GUIDE From The Business Coach Of The Year Reveals…

How to know Exactly What Business to Start…

Even If You Are Not The “Business Type”

Plus the 7 characteristics every successful entrepreneur must possess before they even start a business and how best to start any business.


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Hi, my name is Temi Ajibewa, popularly known as The Electric Temi *winks

I help savvy and passionate women to create impact and wealth doing what they love.

Few years ago, I struggled with monetising my passion as people kept taking my money and business advise for free and not ready to pay for it despite my training, certifications and how valuable they found my advise.

It was a real struggle back then but today, with several press features and recently, a national award (The Business Coach Of The Year 2018 by The Entrepreneur Africa Awards) and lots of people paying me (including very close friends and relatives) for the same knowledge I used to share for free, I can say I have successfully learnt how to launch a profitable business around my talents.

You’re here because you’d like to get my free guide so you can replicate my kind of success, right? Get right to it. *smiles

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