DEC 7TH, 2024 || 9AM - 5PM || Double Tree by Hilton, Wilcrest-Sam Houston, Houston & Online

Claim all of these exclusive items for just $99 if you are attending physically

You will get all of this when You Claim Your Slot For the Live Event Now:

Breakfast - 9AM - 10AM

Lunch - 2PM - 3PM

The 'TWWW' Workbook

You’ll get all necessary writing materials and TWM Workshop Workbook that will serve as a guide during the live workshop so that you can be fully immersed in all you will be learning.

Access to the event replays

You will get access to the replay of all the sessions in the LIVE workshop.

The Wealthier Me Bundle:

Get access to all the videos from the previous ‘(The Wealthier Me) TWM’ workshop

Session 1: Unveiling The Wealthier You

Session 2: Unveiling The Your Personal Power

Session 3: The 12 Pillars Of Personal Power 

Session 4: The Mindwork For Wealth Creation

Session 6: Mastering Your Money Game

Session 7: 9 Stages To Financial Freedom

Session 8: Designing Your Compelling Future

And many other bonus videos

Claim all of these exclusive items for just $49 if you are attending virtually

You will get all of this when You Claim Your Slot To Attend Virtually Now:

The 'TWWW' Workbook

You’ll get all necessary writing materials and TWM Workshop Workbook that will serve as a guide during the live workshop so that you can be fully immersed in all you will be learning.

Access to the event replays

You will get access to the replay of all the sessions in the LIVE workshop.

The Wealthier Me Bundle:

Get access to all the videos from the previous ‘(The Wealthier Me) TWM’ workshop

Session 1: Unveiling The Wealthier You

Session 2: Unveiling The Your Personal Power

Session 3: The 12 Pillars Of Personal Power 

Session 4: The Mindwork For Wealth Creation

Session 6: Mastering Your Money Game

Session 7: 9 Stages To Financial Freedom

Session 8: Designing Your Compelling Future

And many other bonus videos