Only read this if you are ready to build an authentic and magnetic personal brand

I Want To Hand Over To You The Secret Sauce To Building An Impactful Personal Brand Online - And You Don’t Have To Pay A Dime.

What do you say to that?

From the desk of Temi Ajibewa

Houston, Texas.


Dear Brilliant Expert, 

I would like to share with you the secret sauce that has helped me build an authentic and magnetic personal presence online since 2015. 

Here’s the cool part… you don’t have to pay me a dime. 

This secret sauce has not only worked for me, but I also use it for many of my clients and gradually I’ve watched their amount of impact explode within a uniquely short time. 

I know it’s frustrating to carry so much uniqueness and an authentic message but lack a solid platform and framework to share that message online. Doesn’t it? 

I know this because I’ve been there before. Struggled quite a lot too. Took head-racking and energy-absorbing courses and programs but none gave me a lasting result. 

Can you relate to this?

But with this secret sauce – that I’ve tested and used over the years – I’ve been able to reach millions and millions with my message. 

Are you still reading? Good! Now I see you are curious to know what this secret sauce is! 😊

But wait… If I tell you this secret then it’s no longer going to be my secret, so let’s just make it “our” little secret henceforth, yeah? 

The secret sauce is called Branding.

No… I’m not talking about designing incredible logos, fancy websites, studying social media algorithms, and all that technical stuff people do online and think they are “branding”. Lol.

This secret sauce I’m about to share with you does not keep you awake late at night thinking “oh gosh! How do I reach more people with my message and offers”. 

I call this type of branding the real deal because it involves authentically representing yourself online and being loved for who you are… 

Not being stuck trying to study a social platform or thinking about what to do next to please your audience. 

And all the fancy and techy stuff comes secondary and not primary. 

What I’m about to give you is a carefully curated personal branding plan that separates you from the sea of sameness and places you in a category where only your awesomeness is revealed. 

I’m talking about having complete clarity to authentically represent yourself and share your message online to help others henceforth. 

And again, you don’t have to pay me a dime to teach you this. 

Now before I give you this secret sauce that has helped me build an in-demand personal brand as a coach for thought-leaders and experts, I need you to understand this…

Once we are clear… Vamos! 


This is not a scheme or tactic to “blow” online. You need to apply some level of commitment to make this work. While some people might consider my results incredible, it still requires time and effort to make this work.


This is not another scheme to take your money: you can either work with me or not, it doesn’t matter: but I’m going to show you how you can grow your brand without the crazy overwhelm all for FREE.

Now that we’re clear… 

Here's the plan.

The first thing we’re going to do is to commit 12 months to work on your personal brand.


This is a decision you’ll have to make with absolute conviction… Remember, I’m ready to work with you as long as you’re willing. 


I’ve developed a unique framework – which I’ll soon be sharing with you over a 30 minutes Strategy Call on Zoom – that would position you directly in front of those who are in dire need your expertise.


On this strategy call, we are going to set a goal that is achievable over 12 months for your brand. 


I’m going to give you a carefully curated plan to help you understand you and your brand… be rest assured that you’ll leave the call with a plan you can implement right away! 


You’re going to walk out of this FREE strategy call with three important things:


  1. A clear-cut dissection of where you are right now, where you need to be, and how you can get there.


  1. A clear brand-building plan and strategy that you can implement right away.


  1. An intimate understanding of how to position yourself to become an attractive and impactful brand.

Again, you’re paying nothing out of pocket for this initial strategy call… it’s totally FREE.


Immediately after our call, one of these three things will happen:


You can take all I’ve shown you (the brand discovery, the strategy to grow your brand in record time, and the whole secret sauce I’ve used to build my personal brand) and go solo with it. 


You’ll do exceptionally well. I have no doubts, though it may take your 10x the time on your own.


You can hire me to work with you and help you do all the hard work, leaving you with just soft work. 


If after the call we discover we’re a good fit for each other and you’re ready to work with me, I’m going to spend the next 6-12 months helping you implement all the strategies. 


We’ll come up with a brand vision, work on your brand voice, help you discover your brand identity… After working with me for 30 days you’ll discover what we had on the call was just the tip of the iceberg because I’ll be taking you on another journey of self-fulfillment.

Simply put, we're going to work on...

I’ve been where you are heading to and I know just the right steps to get you to where I am today and beyond. 


Summarily, working with me is going to be a roller coaster of fun and incredible achievement. So get ready.


On very rare occasions when we finish this strategy call, and you feel I’ve wasted your time… I’m going to send you $500 (this is about ₦240,000 at today’s exchange rate) plus an apology note for wasting your time. I don’t joke with my time… and I don’t think you should too. 


So the worst thing that can happen here is you end up with a free $500 and a proven strategy to grow your brand online for wasting 30 mins of your life. 


And the best case scenario is you end up with a solid turn-key personal branding plan and most importantly, we get to work together for the next couple of months to help you achieve your goals. This is obviously…

… A win/win situation for you!

Obviously, there’s a catch! You saw this coming, right? Well… calm your nerves. 


I know you’re not a fool, and I’m no Santa. 


And really, I don’t know you but I know what it’s like:


To be stuck on the hedonic treadmill of uncertainty about your identity and the next steps you need to take to increase your impact online…


To be in a compromising position financially in your life because you don’t know how to turn your passion into profit.


To be emotionally wrecked, tired, and frustrated at all the things you think you must do to grow your personal brand online.

I’ve seen it all… I’ve been there before, and that is why I’m making it a life mission to help as many people as my time can allow me.


On the other hand, I’m running a business and I have a goal. This is why I need super-qualified people to share this information with.

YES! I’m not for everyone.

This call will definitely make you rethink your strategy and set new goals for yourself…


In a couple of months after implementing this personal branding sauce, you could start seeing a steady growth in your impact and income online… 


And look… if you choose not to come in as a client. That’s fine. I promise you’ll never hear from me again if you don’t want to get any of those persuasive sales pitches from me. NEVER.


Plus, you also keep the whole plan we’ve worked on and you can go solo with it… I’ll even cheer you up and celebrate with you when I see your wins…


My point: it’s yours forever.


To further sweeten this deal for you…

My Ironclad guarantee of $500 as compensation for your time still stands.

Most branding experts are scared to do this… well, I’m not – because I’m sure of what I’m giving you. 


In the past 5 years, I’ve generated over N500,000,000.00 for myself and my clients and I’ve successfully worked with literally every industry leader you could think of including Bankole Williams (CEO and Founder, Live Your Dreams Africa), Nollywood Actress, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Funke Bucknor-Obruthe (Top Event Planner in Africa), Niyi Adesanya (Top Leadership Expert in Africa) and a host of other industry heads.


And this is no attempt to brag or feel good about what I’ve achieved! No! It’s more of letting you know that you’re safe with me.


Because I’ve been able to successfully build my brand, I now attract clients that pay me over $10,000 per project. 


I’ve been able to travel to different countries in the world with no restrictions whatsoever – either financially or otherwise. 


I’ve spent tens and thousands of dollars learning and refining my branding process so that I can share what I’ve learned with people like you… most importantly, what you shouldn’t do. 


This is why I can beat my chest boldly and tell you that if you follow what I show you, you’re going to get results. 


But hear me out…

This is what I want you to do next:

This one-time offer isn’t open to everyone

You already know I’m going to get a truckload of responses from this invitation including those of time vampires. So I’ve got a few criteria to keep them away.


To qualify for this…


You must have laid down impact goal for your brand:


It doesn’t need to be specific. Just something to look upon and know how far you desire to go on this journey (if you don’t have any written down, that’s fine too. We can draft one during our call).


You have to have some money set aside for your brand building:


Look… you don’t need to have millions stacked away for this… just enough money to give you a headstart and pay for my services and a couple of branding elements you will need to create… that’s all.


You must be a person of integrity:


If we are going to work together, it means I’m going to put my reputation on the line and you’re also going to get a lot of exposure from it… so it’s super important that you’re someone of great value and integrity…and you must commit to this for the long term – not for get-rich-quick purposes.


Coaching is not a safe haven for con men or people with a get-rich-quick scheme mindset. It is a transformational business.


You must be teachable and willing to follow directions:


Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to do anything crazy or boss you around. You just need to be someone who’s willing to unlearn the myths and lies you must have gathered over the years, relearn and follow proven directions.


After all, you following my instruction means more impact and income for you and more peace of mind for me, right?


That’s all.


If you meet all these requirements, Congrats!

Here’s what I want you to do next:

→ You have to follow the link at the bottom of this message to fill out a short application. Nothing much though… just enough basic information to help me come up with the perfect game plan for you during our call.


I’m also going to ask you to make a “real person” commitment fee of $20 (N10,000) only.


Now calm down, I could care less about your $20 / N10,000 (and I think you know this).


Moreover, the minimum I charge for a 30 minutes strategy session is $200 so this commitment fee is just a tool to keep time wasters away.


By the end of the call, if you make the request, I’ll quickly refund your payment… unless you decide to come in as a client. Then I’ll apply it to your balance… and remember, my iron-clad guarantee still holds.

Whichever way you go,

After I confirm your deposit… Here is what happens next:


You’ll get a short email confirming your payment and the time for our 30 mins strategy call.


This is where I will painstakingly go over your personal brand goals, discover what you intend to achieve, and come up with the best and fastest plan to help you achieve that.


If you like what you see and decide to come in as a client, awesome! We can talk about that.


Trust me, this is going to be the best decision you’ll ever make about your life.


If you also decide to do it all on your own, no big deal, with no future intention to work with me, I’ll quickly return your deposit. No questions asked.


And on the rare occasion that you think the call was a total waste of time, simply let me know and I’ll send you $500 and an apology note immediately…




This offer is highly limited because of the amount of one-on-one time needed to get you the best results. 

In fact, I have only 5 slots for this offer this month and nothing more! Because I like to give 100% to my clients.

These 5 lucky applicants will get my unprecedented attention and anything more than these 5 slots can’t simply work for me, I’m sorry. 

That said, this offer could be gone before you know it. 

If you feel like this is the one opportunity you’ve been waiting for, CLICK HERE now to leave your short application, and let’s talk.

Talk soon,

Coach Temi Ajibewa

(The Electric Temi)

All Rights Reserverd | Temi Ajibewa 2022